The SEBI has introduced a circular regarding the execution of Demat Debit and Pledge Instruction (DDPI) which will replace the POA (Power of Attorney). DDPI is an authority a client gives to the broker and to the depository participants for the purposes mentioned below. This is effective from 18th November 2022. How to Opt For DDPI? […]
Category: Equity Trading
Why my order got executed even though the stock/contract never reached that price?
This is one of the frequently asked queries by traders wherein the price at which the execution took place is not visible on broker’s platform, charts, NSE Website, etc. This may happen due to the below mentioned reason. The various sources where the prices (high, low etc) displayed get the data from the Exchanges or […]
How does the auction process work in case of short delivery?
Auction Timing & Participants The auction is conducted every day between 2:00 pm and 2:45 pm. Only member brokers of the exchange can participate and sell shares which are short delivered. To avoid any conflict of interest the exchange doesn’t allow members whose client has defaulted (short delivered) to take part in auction. The auction […]
Do you provide exposure in equity delivery?
EquiMax facility is been suspended from 22-09-2017 till further notice. EquiMax is a product which provide exposure in equity delivery, where in you get upto 4 times exposure in delivery. Please refer our Trade Smart Online Blog for more information.
NEST User: Fund Transfer into EQUITY, F&O and Currency Trading Account
The following mode of transfer could be used by NEST users for fund transfer into Equity, F&O and Currency Trading Account. 1. NEST Instant Transfer NEST Instant Transfer is one of the quickest payment methods you could use to deposit funds from your bank account directly into your NEST trading account. Using this method you will get […]
Can I sell shares from other DP through my Trading Account with you?
Currently, we are not offering services for delivery selling from stocks held with another DP. Please transfer them to your demat account with us to be able to sell the same with us.