Back in the day when trading had just started in India, the stocks used to be traded in a fashion known as the “Open Outcry system”. This was a system that took place on the trading floor where the person would shout or use hand signals to indicate price changes or buying and selling of shares during market hours. The person interested would approach these people and strike a deal and would take down notes on a slip or form and then after the session they would go back and register all the trades made for the day. The process was cumbersome and exhausting and only those who had access to the building where it happened could benefit from this. However, this has become an outdated process and with the advent of technology, everything has become online. No more shouting or screaming and fighting for getting shares on the market floor.
In the present, online trading has made it easy for the common man to trade stocks with minimal interference from the broker. From websites to mobile apps, trading has become convenient for all with just a few clicks. And this has seen a huge number of participation from all age groups from across the country. So what are the benefits of trading online? I’m sure you can name many yourself but we’ll cover some here as well just in case you may have missed out a point. So let’s go!
Online Trading is the process of trading your stock directly from a website or an app instead of calling the broker or other traditional methods. These platforms are provided by internet based brokers like TradeSmart. It’s very easy to access these platforms as all you need is a good computer system or mobile phone that has an internet connection and you start trading. Basically, you can easily buy and sell stocks from your home or workplace.
When you place an order online to buy or sell stocks, the process gets executed within seconds. But at the same time, there is a lot happening behind the scenes which help execute these trades in seconds. The process involves.
With technology incorporated in trading, this has brought several benefits. The benefits of Online Trading are as follows:
In the case of Intraday trading, all you need is that the internet connection should be stable. Rest, everything is on a screen in front of you. Omitting the trader and phone call significantly reduces the time taken and chances of human error.
Also, when the market is volatile, the dealers of stockbrokers remain busy. That is not the case with online trading. Everything can be managed by the trader instantly at the click of a button.
In the case of highly leveraged Intraday trading, even a few minutes of delay could cause losses into thousands or more.
This is also the reason most major stockbrokers have created their own online trading platforms. It saves them the cost and saves money for the trader too.
In the case of trading through the phone, even if your broker allows you this facility, trading across multiple stock exchanges will be cumbersome.
Online Trading is no doubt a way better option than trading on the phone. It saves your time, reduces risk, is more convenient, and saves your money. There is no question on whether one should shift to Online Trading, but one needs to decide which broker to work with. With this technology, opening a demat account also has become faster, simpler and can be done at the comfort of your home.
Online trading is more about making the life of both the trader and broker easier and more convenient. It gives a sense of control while executing trades. It definitely is cheaper so the chances of you making a higher profit is better.
With the advanced technology available, it takes less than 24 hours to open a demat and trading account to begin your trading journey online. You have to visit the website or download the app and submit the required documents and then get the approval from the DP which will then give you a unique demat number through which you can make trades online.
While online trading has its pros, there are instances where certain individuals have abused the facility for personal gains with fraudulent activities. While there are regular checks of safety by the brokers and SEBI, there are some points you can also follow to ensure safety in your trading activities.
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Please note that by submitting the above mentioned details, you are authorizing TradeSmart to call and email you and also to send promotional communication even though the contact number may be registered under DND.
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