Use the trading calculators below to know what you pay and how much you save while trading with us. Any of the trading calculators from the three available options below is a great resource to help you calculate the amount that you save on stock, currency or commodity trading with us and what you pay us while using our services. And do feel free to get in touch if you ever face a problem and can’t seem to find a way out!
We make it easy for you to calculate what you will pay. Use our online brokerage calculator to calculate exactly what you will be paying while trading through us. Scroll down and get started!
Brokerage CalculatorHere you can create your portfolio and use the margin calculator to determine the amount of margin investment needed to build it. This calculator will help you segregate each and every type of margin required (Span, exposure, VaR, ELM and, Net Premium)
Margin CalculatorIt’s not nice never knowing when you will make money. Use our brokerage savings calculator to know more about your profitable zones and your breakeven point and be stress-free while trading with us.
Brokerage Savings Calculator