As per the latest SEBI circular on KRA Regulations, KYC Registration Agencies (KRA) are responsible for validating clients’ KYC details as per their records before September 2, 2023. If the details are not updated and validated, trading and demat shall be blocked for such accounts.
How do I update and validate my KRA details?
Updation process: This is usually done when your KYC details are incorrect in the KRA portal. In this case, you are required to furnish the following documents at su*****@vn****.com. We will update your KRA details.
- Duly filled and signed KRA form with photo (click here)
- Self attested copy of PAN card
- Self attested copy of Aadhaar card.
Once we receive the above documents, it shall be updated in TradeSmart record within 48 working hours.
Validation process: After we process your request, we will inform KRA to update their record. After the KRA has updated the details, you shall receive an SMS to your registered mobile number to validate your mobile number and receive an email to your registered email ID to validate your email ID. Check your spam, trash or deleted folder if you do not find the email.
Alternative validation process: Check with which KRA your KYC is registered here. Click on KYC Inquiry. Enter your PAN, input the captcha and submit. Check your KRA name and visit your respective KRA website from the below link and follow the on-screen instructions to validate your email/mobile number.
- CVL KRA: Click here
- KARVY KRA: Click here
- NDML KRA: Click here
- DOTEX KRA: Click here
- CAMS KRA: Click here
After the contact details are validated with KRA, it would be processed in 5-7 workings days to update your records and activate your trading account if deactivated.
Impact of the above regulation, if it is not followed:
- Clients shall not be allowed to trade on any exchange or manage their open positions (if any) until they comply with the KYC requirements
- Clients trading and demat account will remain deactivated till the KRA details are updated and validated.
If your email/mobile number is incorrect:
Firstly update your email ID and mobile number using our online process. Once this done, follow the above procedure.
The modification request shall be processed within 48 working hours, after which TradeSmart will inform KRA to update their records. After the KRA has updated the details, you shall receive an email and SMS from your respective KRA to validate your email ID and mobile number. Your task is done once you validate your email ID/mobile number.
How to verify dotex KRA? The website has just given option for checking status. Simpley checking the option does not help.
The Dotex link given in the above article provides you the steps to verify your email ID and Mobile number. Please enter your PAN and the code provided to complete your verification. If you still have questions, you may reach us at 022-61208000 or use our online chat support available on our website.
In adhar validation options, nothing working out for me, when i tried to download masked adha page doesn’t open keeps on erring & page doesn’t open. Its same in all options. Please do something my demat account has been forzen due to that.
Kindly share with us your client code. We will check your KRA status and update you the procedure to unfreeze your demat account.
I am LAKHYAJYOTI DUTTA. Please update my email ID****************@gm***.com
Kindly submit your email ID change request from BOX back office > My profile section.
Hi, My Demat is is freezed, We have filled the CVL KRA, it is saying Address not match. We checked everything Aadhar and address in Bank is same . What step shou;d be taken?
Kindly share your client ID, we will check and update you the status.
I do not have a box login, without that how will i update my email id and mobile number
Hello Prajakta,
Your BOX login ID will be your client ID that starts from “Y”. You may reset the password if you do not remember.
Dear KRA
I am trying to update but Email Response not coming in this that’s why it’s very critical.
How to login my Demat Account.
Hello Rajnish,
We understand that you might be facing issue in getting the email OTP. The email and mobile verification OTP is been sent from your KRA. We do not have much control on it. Request you to please try at differ intervals.
Do i need to send kyc form along with self attested aadhaar and pan at support@vn****@gm***.com for further processing at your end?
Hello Suresh,
Kindly share your client ID. We will check your account status and confirm you.
That I had already sent you the documents to update my kyc, my ticket no is 748138, your customer care executive told that it will be done 6th September but there is no response from your side, even KRA Portal is (karvy KRA in my case ) is not working, why such delay is happening?? I am facing a lot of loss due to such unprofessional system,
Hello Himanshu,
Your request is processed from our end. You may have received an email and the SMS. Please open the link from both SMS and email and complete the process.
Kindly share your client ID. We shall check and update you.
Ticket no. Is #475755
We have received your request and shall be processed soon after checking upon your documents. We will update the same on your ticket as soon as possible.
Duly filled KRA form has been already sent on this email on 6 sep 2023. Kindly do the needful
I have already validated my KRAand also have send a screen shot on Friday 1st of Sep 2023
Hello Silky Sharma,
If you have already emailed your records, please share with us the ticket number. We will check for you and update the same.